Uses of Class

Packages that use ChConnect

Uses of ChConnect in charly.client

Fields in charly.client declared as ChConnect
protected  ChConnect ChRobClient.conn
protected  ChConnect ChGpibSrq.conn
protected  ChConnect ChGpibUnit.conn
protected  ChConnect ChTask.conn

Methods in charly.client that return ChConnect
 ChConnect ChRobClient.getConnection()
 ChConnect ChGpibSrq.getConnection()
 ChConnect ChGpibUnit.getConnection()
 ChConnect ChResource.getConnection()
          Implementations should return the connection to the server where the resource can be found.

Methods in charly.client with parameters of type ChConnect
 void ChTask.addResource(ChConnect conn, java.lang.String rsrc)
          adds a resource to the task.
 void ChTask.removeResource(ChConnect conn, java.lang.String rsrc)
          removes a resource to the task.
private  void ChTask.assertConn(ChConnect conn)
          this method only exists until more than one ChConnect is supported.

Constructors in charly.client with parameters of type ChConnect
ChGpibClient(ChConnect conn)
ChRobClient(ChConnect conn)
ChGpibSrq(ChConnect conn, int dvcAddr)
ChGpibUnit(ChConnect conn, int dvcAddr, java.lang.String suffix)
ChGpibUnit(ChConnect conn, int dvcAddr)
ChTask(ChConnect conn, java.lang.String taskName)

Uses of ChConnect in charly.client.monitor

Fields in charly.client.monitor declared as ChConnect
protected  ChConnect ChMonitor.conn

Constructors in charly.client.monitor with parameters of type ChConnect
ChMonitor(ChConnect conn)

Uses of ChConnect in charly.demo

Fields in charly.demo declared as ChConnect
(package private)  ChConnect ChGUITaskCreator.conn
(package private)  ChConnect ChGUIGpib.conn
(package private)  ChConnect ChAWTGpib.server
(package private)  ChConnect ChSimpleSrq.server
(package private)  ChConnect ChGUIMonitor.conn

Constructors in charly.demo with parameters of type ChConnect
ChAWTGpib(ChConnect server)
ChSimpleSrq(ChConnect server)