Interface ChTaskListener

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ChTaskListener

Method Summary
 void taskAborted(ChTaskEvent ev)
          This method is called, when the server aborted the task.
 void taskStarted(ChTaskEvent ev)
          This method is called, when the server started the task.
 void taskStopped(ChTaskEvent ev)
          This method is called after the stop of the task.

Method Detail


public void taskStarted(ChTaskEvent ev)
This method is called, when the server started the task. I.e. the resources are bound to the task and can be used.


public void taskAborted(ChTaskEvent ev)
This method is called, when the server aborted the task. This is usually the case after ChMonitor.abortTask(String) was called.


public void taskStopped(ChTaskEvent ev)
This method is called after the stop of the task. A stop is the regular end of a task caused by ChTask.stop().